Friday, April 16, 2010

The Seven Triggering Mechanisms for Sure Success.

1. Passion - All truly successful people such as Lee Iacocca have a driving force within them that sets them apart from others. A desire, an energy that gives them the fuel to reach their true potential. This force is a part of them 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It never subsides. Their total existence is sustained for the fulfillment of their goals. The passion within this individual to achieve has been so deeply implanted, that their mental power is driven by this force and will not let them do anything other than achieve.

2. Belief - "They can because they think they can"-Virgil. You will only make $100,000 this year if you first believe you can. If you do not believe you can, you are telling yourself you want it, but it is truly not obtainable. The truth of life is that man's limits are self imposed by what the mind is given to believe. If you expand your belief of your own abilities, you will also expand your true realm of accomplishment. A man of whom all are aware, lived his life with adversity, but he constantly believed he could achieve.

Failed in business at age 31

Was defeated in a legislative race at age 32

Failed again in business at age 34

Overcome death of sweetheart at age 35

Had a nervous breakdown at age 36

Lost an election at age 38

Lost a congressional race at age 43

Lost a congressional race at age 46

Lost a congressional race at age 48

Lost a Senatorial race at age 55

Failed to become Vice President at age 56

Lost a Senatorial race at age 58

Was elected President of the United States at age 60

With all the adversity that faced him, President Abraham Lincoln had no reason to continually try other than the fact that he believed it was his destiny and measure of success to accomplish this task.

3. Strategy - A strategy is your game plan of life. The road map you will use to accomplish your goals, ambitions and desires. Just to believe you can earn $100,000 a year is not enough, you must design a strategy that gives your life direction and navigates you toward success. The key to strategy is to design a proper strategy to achieve your success without the detours of life, to find the shortest distance between two points.

4. Clarity of Values - Man must first determine which things in life are most valuable to

him. He must determine his feeling about such things as patriotism, pride, love, freedom,

excellence, ownership and tolerance. These are values in society, the moral, ethical and

fundamental judgments that we, as individuals, deem important. Without a clear system of values for ourselves, it is impossible to believe in something with a passion that has no value to us. Once we have established our individual value system we are then able to determine how we can achieve success based on our priority of values. What must we five up in one hand to accomplish what we desire on the other. Without a value system we can never move forward for we may be trading without increasing our potential for success.

5. Energy - Without the physical vitality to take action, nothing would ever come of our system to this point. The passion could build, our belief of accomplishment could be overwhelming, we could have the best strategy or map to achieve the ultimate value for our own life, but if not for taking the first step, nothing could ever be accomplished. Great success cannot be separated from physical, spiritual and mental energy that allows us, compels us, to accomplish the most with what we have to work with. Physical energy comes from the strength of the body itself fueled by our intake of nourishment. It is therefore important that we fuel our engine with premium fuel (good eating habits), not low grade regular (junk food). Our spiritual and intellectual energy evolves from our environment and it is therefore important that we assess our own personal environment to maximize the energy that we can obtain.

6. Bonding Power - We have all known people that have exhibited the ability to get along with anyone and everyone. The ability to be a chameleon is truly the ability to connect with and bond with others.

7. Mastery of Communication - To take charge and run your own mind. No longer allow our mind to run our lives, but rather take charge of our own mental abilities and cause them to work for our own accomplishment of success.

I wish you every success!

P. Renovato

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The World's Best Place To Live

Norway has retained its status as the world's most desirable country to live in, according to UN figures. The sub-Saharan African states affected by war and HIV/Aids were ranked as the least attractive places.
Information collected prior to the global economic crisis showed people in Norway, Australia and Iceland had the best living standards. The UK was in 21st place. Niger, Afghanistan and Sierra Leone scored worst in terms of human development.
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) index was compiled using 2007 data on GDP per capita, education, and life expectancy. It showed marked differences between the developed and developing world.
"Despite significant improvements over time, progress has been uneven," UNDP said in a statement. "Many countries have experienced setbacks over recent decades, in the face of economic downturns, conflict-related crises and the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and this was even before the impact of the global economic crisis was felt."
Life expectancy in Niger was 50, about 30 years shorter than Norway, according to the index. For every dollar earned per person in Niger, $85 was earned in Norway. Half the people in the poorest 24 countries were illiterate, compared to 20% in nations classed as having medium levels of human development, the index showed.
Japanese people lived longer than others, to 82.7 years on average, with life expectancy in war-ravaged Afghanistan just 43.6 years.
Liechtenstein has the highest gross domestic product per capita at $85,383 in a tiny principality that is home to 35,000 people, 15 banks and more than 100 wealth management companies.
People were poorest in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where average income per person was $298 per year.

Source: Sky News

Wednesday, September 2, 2009



If we recognize our talent, use them appropriately, and choose a field that uses those talents, we will rise to the top of our field.

If we live by the rule of honesty and accept our problems, we can go far down the road of achievement.

If we observe and reflect and commit ourselves to giving our best, we will come out top

If we are nice to others, others respond to us in the same way – and we can give our best for each other

If we make every attempt to increase our knowledge in order to use for human good, it will make a difference in us and in our world.

If we commit ourselves to reading, thus increasing our knowledge, only God limits how far we can go in this world.

If we develop in-depth knowledge, it will enable us to give our best to others and help to make a better world.

If we acknowledge our need for God, He will help us.

Culled from Think Big, by Ben Carson

Are you already thinking big? If not, start right away

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

An Experiment in Love and Responsibility That You can Do Right Now

Think of something you have struggled with in yourself—perhaps it’s your weight or your fear of speaking in public. Let your mind settle on this one thing so that you are clear about what it is. Now think of someone or something that you know for sure that you love. Perhaps it’s a certain loved one or anaction like riding your bike in the country on a sunny day. The only requirement is that you have reliably felt love in the presence of this person or thing. Let yourself feel that love in your body and mind right now. Now take a leap: Love that thing you have struggled with just as you love the person or thing that you know for sure you love. You may say, “But I hate it.”
All right, then love yourself for hating. Then love it. Greet it with loving acceptance. Now for the responsibility part of the experiment. Acknowledge yourself as the source and creator of the problem you have been focusing on. Let’s say you are focusing on your weight. Even if you come from thirteen generations of overweight ancestors, you can choose to take responsibilityfor your weight now. Responsibility begins the moment you take it. You don’t have to wait for anything to happen before you take responsibility

Culled from At The Speed of Light by Gay Hendricks

Sunday, October 12, 2008

10 (More) Reasons you’re Not Rich

By Jeffrey Strain
Wednesday, October 1, 2008 provided by

Many people assume they aren't rich because they don't earn enough money. If I only earned a little more, I could save and invest better, they say.
The problem with that theory is they were probably making exactly the same argument before their last several raises. Becoming a millionaire has less to do with how much you make, it's how you treat money in your daily life.

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The list of reasons you may not be rich doesn't end at 10. Caring what your neighbors think, not being patient, having bad habits, not having goals, not being prepared, trying to make a quick buck, relying on others to handle your money, investing in things you don't understand, being financially afraid and ignoring your finances.
Here are 10 more possible reasons you aren't rich:
You care what your car looks like: A car is a means of transportation to get from one place to another, but many people don't view it that way. Instead, they consider it a reflection of themselves and spend money every two years or so to impress others instead of driving the car for its entire useful life and investing the money saved.
You feel entitlement: If you believe you deserve to live a certain lifestyle, have certain things and spend a certain amount before you have earned to live that way, you will have to borrow money. That large chunk of debt will keep you from building wealth.
You lack diversification: There is a reason one of the oldest pieces of financial advice is to not keep all your eggs in a single basket. Having a diversified investment portfolio makes it much less likely that wealth will suddenly disappear.
You started too late: The magic of compound interest works best over long periods of time. If you find you're always saying there will be time to save and invest in a couple more years, you'll wake up one day to find retirement is just around the corner and there is still nothing in your retirement account.
You don't do what you enjoy: While your job doesn't necessarily need to be your dream job, you need to enjoy it. If you choose a job you don't like just for the money, you'll likely spend all that extra cash trying to relieve the stress of doing work you hate.
You don't like to learn: You may have assumed that once you graduated from college, there was no need to study or learn. That attitude might be enough to get you your first job or keep you employed, but it will never make you rich. A willingness to learn to improve your career and finances are essential if you want to eventually become wealthy.
You buy things you don't use: Take a look around your house, in the closets, basement, attic and garage and see if there are a lot of things you haven't used in the past year. If there are, chances are that all those things you purchased were wasted money that could have been used to increase your net worth.
You don't understand value: You buy things for any number of reasons besides the value that the purchase brings to you. This is not limited to those who feel the need to buy the most expensive items, but can also apply to those who always purchase the cheapest goods. Rarely are either the best value, and it's only when you learn to purchase good value that you have money left over to invest for your future.
Your house is too big: When you buy a house that is bigger than you can afford or need, you end up spending extra money on longer debt payments, increased taxes, higher upkeep and more things to fill it. Some people will try to argue that the increased value of the house makes it a good investment, but the truth is that unless you are willing to downgrade your living standards, which most people are not, it will never be a liquid asset or money that you can ever use and enjoy.
You fail to take advantage of opportunities: There has probably been more than one occasion where you heard about someone who has made it big and thought to yourself, "I could have thought of that." There are plenty of opportunities if you have the will and determination to keep your eyes open.